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New Facebook Updates and How to use them to boost your Business

These days, almost all tech-savvy people are active on Facebook. It is perhaps the most popular social networking website in the world. It was launched by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates on March 4 2004 during their studies at Harvard University. Most people use Facebook to stay in touch with their near and dear ones, share their knowledge with each other, update their status, etc. With 2.2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the biggest social media website. Its users are increasing by leaps and bounds with each passing day. Business persons, companies, and firms use Facebook to promote their products/services on the web, reach out new customers, and increase sales up to a great extent. Since its launch, Facebook has been offering incredibly great opportunities to entrepreneurs so that they can advertise their brand and establish excellent partnerships in terms of business cooperation. These days, Facebook is updating itself. As a result, companies that use it for brand promotion and sales, have to change the way they communicate with their customers and promote their brands. Do you also use Facebook to make people aware of your company/brand? Do you know the latest Facebook Updates and how to use them for business promotion? If not, then you should read this article. Here we will talk about some important changes in Facebook. We will discuss how entrepreneurs can accommodate those changes in their social media optimization practices and ensure the maximum ROI. So, let's start the journey. Update 1.

Change in Facebook Newsfeed Algorithm

facebook newsfeed Recently, on January 11, 2018, Facebook released a new update to hit the rapidly growing business of Fake News. It made substantial changes to its News Feed algorithm. As per the new change, Facebook will give importance to those posts that promote meaningful interactions between people and spark conversions. For this, it will prioritize posts from friends and family over public content. All prominent IT companies, business firms, social media agencies, and digital marketing professionals have welcomed this decision.

Tips to Accommodate This Facebook Update:

Tips Don't get panic because of this Facebook Update. Just follow the below-mentioned tips to make your content sustain this update and make them go viral on the web- Update 2.

Say No to Engagement Baiting

Did any of your friends ever ask you to like, share, tag his/her post to the maximum? If yes, then you need to be careful if you apply the same approach while promoting your brand on Facebook. Recently, Facebook announced that it will humiliate posts from people and pages that make use of engagement baiting. In simple words, Engagement bait is a trick used by social media optimizers to ask people for likes, shares, comments, etc. Through this process, they aim to boost posts artificially and increase its visibility on the web. All this is done to create social leads and leave the competitors behind. See some Examples- no to engagement Biating


Being an ardent social media optimizer, your goal is to share content that benefits the targeted audience and helps you create leads. So, avoid the Spammy call to action buttons as far as possible. Create user-centric content for social media optimisation. Your content must promote meaningful conversions on Facebook at all the times. If you are unable to create customer-centric content for your Facebook Fans, get it from a reputed content writing agency. Update 3.

Facebook Custom Audience Size is unavailable & Estimate Reach is finished

Facebook Estimate Reach is finished Sometimes, you don’t get the desired results despite promoting your brand aggressively on Facebook. So, a good number of entrepreneurs use premium advertising campaigns on Facebook to meet their goals in an easy way. Are you also among them? If yes, then you need to stay alert. It is because Facebook has released a new update to target the unlawful advertising practices on its platform.


It is better for you to run premium advertising campaigns as per the guidelines of Facebook. Try to make your Facebook Ads relevant to the targeted audience. Don’t use excessive marketing terms for business promotion. Just meet the demands of your social fans/followers. They will love to be a part of your lead generation process sooner or later.

Update 4.

Campaign Budget Optimisation

facebook-ad-budget-optimization A few days ago, Facebook released a new update. It was aimed at helping advertisers to use their Ad money effectively and efficiently. Campaign budget optimisation can assist entrepreneurs to allocate their budget money to the best performing data on time

How To Use This Update for Business Promotion

New Facebook Updates and How to use them to boost your Business The Facebook Algorithm will offer the best possible results for campaign budget optimisation. As a passionate business person, you should have an idea which ads has great potential to fetch lots of business opportunities. For example- if you run three ad sets with a 10$ daily, you need to use the data provided by Facebook to analyse the performance of all ads and invest money accordingly.

Update 5.

A city-specific section of Facebook App

city specific Facebook app update Tech-savvy people use a number of apps to get products/services in an easy way. Facebook has also made an entry in this field. In order to woo its 2.07 billion users, Facebook is now testing a city-specific news app. This app is likely to help users get local news, announcements, events, gatherings, etc, in an easy way. Named as “Today In”, the app is being trialled and it’s likely to be released soon. This will give a great boost to news and media companies.

How can your use it to promote Your business?

Don’t underestimate the huge potential of apps and business they bring to you. Choose an expert app building company and get a feature-rich app to promote your business on the web.

Final Words:

The World’s leading Social Media channel Facebook is updating itself from time-to-time. All business persons must make adjustments in their marketing and advertising campaigns to accommodate those changes easily. Just follow the above-mentioned tips, you can use new Facebook updates to promote your business on the web and generate handsome revenues daily.


Arthur Choi

Arthur Choi

SEO Strategist

70% technical SEO, 30% offsite optimisation. Loves to strategise and build organic SEO campaigns for plumbers, excavators and e-commerce clients.

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