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Google Launching SEO “Search for Beginners” YouTube Animated Series

In a bid to expand its presence on YouTube, Google is launching a new SEO video series. The former series catered to experienced SEO specialists. This new Google project, however, will target beginners in the field of search engine optimisation.

The series will not be hosted by John Mueller and Martin Splitt, as was the case in previous videos, but will be pure animation.

So why did Google choose an animated series over a show hosted by experts? Since the target audience would be SEO beginners, animate visually appealing.

What is This Series About?

Staff from the Google team explained the new venture as follows:

“… a new fully animated series for anyone who is interested in learning the basics of creating an online presence and the right Google Search tools to help customers find their website.”

The new video series will air on a bi-weekly basis. Every two weeks, the team will explore a range of SEO

Subjects and topics. You can expect animated narratives touching on the following:

Is it Really for SEO Beginners?

Though called [SEO] “Search for Beginners,” topics will cover beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Anyone with some knowledge of SEO will not find it difficult to understand the concepts discussed.

Though called [SEO] “Search for Beginners,” topics will cover beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Anyone with some knowledge of SEO will not find it difficult to understand the concepts discussed.

The setup is basically free-flowing and subject to view discretion. Although you have to wait for two weeks before catching a new episode, you have the leeway to watch already published episodes on any order. You can also choose to watch only the episodes to interest you.

Search Engine Journal will recap each episode immediately after they’re published. If you want to take notes, you can go to their website regularly.

For more search engine, web design and digital marketing news and tips, explore our blog here.


Arthur Choi

Arthur Choi

SEO Strategist

70% technical SEO, 30% offsite optimisation. Loves to strategise and build organic SEO campaigns for plumbers, excavators and e-commerce clients.

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