SEO is highly misunderstood. It is sometimes difficult to explain why prices are high for great quality work because of the fact that those that hire an SEO company do not see what happens behind the scenes. There is this common misconception that an SEO specialist only obtains backlinks for websites. In many situations, the on-site SEO work is believed to be a lot less than what is actually done.
In order to help every person understand why SEO takes a lot of time and why results cannot appear overnight, while also highlighting some benefits of SEO you may not have been aware of, let us open the doors to our office. Let us mention some of the really important on-page SEO tasks that the professional always does.
SEO benefits overall user experience!
- Reduction in the percentage of bounce rates. If a visitor is active on your page for longer durations of time, then that page will be more meaningful than a page which results in visitors leaving after a few seconds.
- Page titles are optimised according to meaningful keywords that are actually related to the webpage.
- Correct spelling – too many grammar and spelling mistakes drastically decrease visitor time spent on site.
- Social media widgets are added to pages.
- Sharing buttons for popular social networks are included.
- The navigation menu is modified according to keywords and important categories or pages.
- Technical errors are eliminated.
- Broken internal links are eliminated or redirected.
- Add internal content links that point towards pages that are relevant to the pages that are optimised.
- Eliminate pages with 404 errors.
- Duplicate content is eliminated.
- Extra text is added whenever necessary.
- PDF and similar file types are optimised with meaningful titles and content – keyword focused.
- Images and videos are optimised in order to be indexed and add value to pages.
- Check old pages that have to redirect to new pages in order to be sure that the redirection happens properly.
- Modify press releases in order to make sure that proper keywords are used.
- Verify CMS systems for potential search engine robots crawling problems.
- Reduce the page load speed to as low as it is possible.
- Make sure that content adds value to the topic that is covered.
- Make sure that websites respect current accessibility standards.
- Eventually, train an internal content or management team so that proper SEO practices are used in the future.
- Make sure that all connected digital marketing channels are integrated properly.
- Add or remove plugins based on various factors.
To put it as simple as possible, the SEO professional analyzes the site and looks for any problem that may exist. Then, modifications are done in order to increase the overall experience of the visitor and SEO modifications are done in order to make the site more attractive for search engines.
These are just some of the on-page SEO tasks that we deal with every single day. Much more can be highlighted but the 22 mentioned above should give you a much clearer idea of why high-quality SEO does take time and what it takes to be successful. Remember that this is just at an on-site SEO level.